Social Media Strategy Course

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Welcome to the pbsm strategy course

This is a closed course. This means you have to be registered and enrolled to enter the strategy course.

You find more informations at the bottom of this page.

Your core competencies after this strategy course

The pbsm has a long list of advantages for the development of social media strategies. The core competencies you develop through this method clearly elevate you above other social media managers. 

  1. You are a valuable and competent discussion partner for your company management, because you can recognize and realize the risks and benefits of social media for the company’s business model at the business model level. This not only makes you stand out personally. You will secure significantly more attention, support and, last but not least, the necessary resources for the successful use of social media by company management. 
  2. Your social media strategies are recognizably more promising and competent because 
    • Your social media strategies support the business model and therefore benefit the entire company.
    • You can competently assess the competitive situation in social media and use it to your company’s advantage.
    • You use company resources more successfully by avoiding competition that cannot be won with your resources and focusing company resources on competition that can be won and contributes maximally to the company’s success.  

If you are not thinking about taking this strategy course, just ask yourself

  • How does my strategic competence compare to these competencies?
  • How can I be successful in the competition for interesting jobs if my competitors can demonstrate this competence?

The potential-based strategy model pbsm

What most social media managers understand by a social media strategy has little to do with strategy. This lack of strategic competence is one of the reasons why most companies do not derive the benefits from social media that they could. 

To change this, I have developed the pbsm, a method in which even beginners can develop strategies for social media that open up this potential for the company and are clearly superior to what is generally referred to as a social media strategy.

The potential-based strategy model pbsm is a method with which social media managers can develop economically effective and competitive strategies for companies.

To date, there have only been strategy models or usage methods that are geared towards supporting marketing and do not fulfill the requirements of a strategy. This results in inadequate use of social media, lower contributions of social media to the company’s success and ineffective use of company resources.

The method differs from other approaches in its claim. Here are the most important differences:

  • social media benefit: pbsm.strategies ensure the benefits of social media for the entire company and not just for individual functional areas. With a pbsm.strategy, you ensure your company benefits from social media in a much wider way. Other strategy models for social media only serve the purpose of marketing communication and thus reduce the impact and potential benefits of social media for companies.
  • competition: pbsm.strategies take into account the competitive situation and lead to competitive strategies. As the competitive situation is a central element in strategy development, pbsm.strategies are more competitive. Other strategy models for social media ignore the competitive situation in strategy development and thus lead to strategies that are not very competitive.
  • resources and benefit: pbsm.strategies take into account the available resources and demonstrate which benefits of social media are possible with which resources. The comparison of the benefits of social media for the company’s success and the resources required for this leads to a different perspective in company management and facilitates the procurement of resources.
  • efficiency and economy: pbsm.strategies are more effective because they can be precisely aligned in terms of content. Company resources can be precisely targeted to the areas that are most important for the company’s success and in which the company can be successful in social media competition.

The strategy course is structured in such a way that a solid basic knowledge of social media is sufficient as a prerequisite. The usage of the method on the business model of companies is explained as a whole in the course.

pbsm strategy course

Mission and quality standards

The mission and quality standards of the method lead to conflicting requirements: rapid dissemination and sufficient quality assurance. The solution is simple:

  • Fast dissemination: online courses are digital products. The fastest dissemination results from the approach with the fewest hurdles. In this case, this is the completely free use of the strategy course and the absence of any form of examination or performance record. Everyone can use the strategy course as they see fit. Of course, this is also associated with the risk of incomplete courses, half-knowledge and deficits in implementation.
  • Quality assurance: Companies need qualified strategies for social media. The pbsm should make a significant contribution to this. And this requires that companies as employers or clients maintain quality in the usage of the method. To ensure this, there is a corresponding certificate of achievement in the form of the pbsm.strategist qualification, which is documented by a strategy development using this method. Graduates are listed in the user directory at This makes it possible to see at any time whether a service provider or employee actually has a proven qualification for the usage of pbsm.

If you do not need proof of performance, you can dispense with the effort of developing a strategy. If you want to be sure of being able to use the method, you can develop and confirm this ability through exercises and strategy development.

Qualification pbsm.strategist

The pbsm.strategist qualification is subject to a fee and requires a proof of performance for quality assurance. The proof of performance is provided by developing a social media strategy using the pbsm. The requirements for usage of the method can be requested by email ( or downloaded here (final paper). A confirmed strategy development leads to a degree and entry in the pbsm.user directory.

Why pay for a degree when the course can be used free of charge?

The subject of strategy is complex. Although the course is self-paced, a degree is a quality assurance for potential clients and employers, but above all the security for the graduate that he was able to successfully use the material at least once.

Would you recommend a good friend to build their competence and career on the fact that they have read a book on a demanding method?

If we have read something, it does not always mean that we have understood it correctly. If we have understood something, it does not automatically mean that we can use it with confidence in every case.

Even the best method requires certainty in usage and every company and every industry has its own peculiarities. The more confidently you can apply the method, the more confidently you can deal with these peculiarities.

I recommend completing pbsm.strategist as a central building block of strategic competence in social media and then training in its usage using further examples from different industries.

If you wish to obtain the pbsm.strategist qualification, please register as soon as possible. This will ensure that your examination papaer is accepted within a period of one year from registration and that you have a contact person for questions and feedback during this period if required. The number of examinations per year is limited due to the associated supervision.

The costs for the pbsm.strategist degree (€ 2550 plus VAT) are due upon submission of the examination paper (strategy).

Practical completion of the course

The most important facts about the strategy course

  • The social media strategy course is free of charge until March 1st 2025.
  • You learn the course content on your own initiative and under your own responsibility. Support with questions about the content and implementation or the exercises is available for a fee.
  • The strategy course is purely digital. Participants learn when and where it is best for them, at their own pace and according to their time constraints.
  • To use the strategy course you have to register yourself and log in.
  • You can complete the course free of charge for a limited time. In this case, you forgo a degree and support.
  • The strategy course with the degree pbsm.strategist as a proven qualification is subject to a fee. You achieve the degree by successfully completing a thesis in the form of a complete strategy development for a specific company. The requirements for the thesis are described on the download page (final paper).
  • The strategy course does not include a license to use content, work aids or the marketing of the method or the use of the pbsm brand. If you offer the method as a service, the pbsm.strategist qualification and a license is required.
  • Sequence of content: the content of the course is arranged in a coordinated sequence. Please complete the course in this order. This will make it easier for you to work through the content.
  • Practical knowledge: To ensure that you acquire practical knowledge that is ready for usage, you should apply the content of the course to a real-life example. To do this, find a company whose business model you are sufficiently familiar with. If you know a company and want to use it as a use case, but are not sufficiently familiar with its business model, talk to the company’s managers and ask for their support. The benefit for the company is to get to know a more effective social media strategy or at least an alternative strategy that is tailored to the company’s individual requirements and competitive situation.
  • Degree pbsm.strategist: If you are aiming for the degree pbsm.strategist, you will need a company for whose business model you can use your strategy development as your examination paper. It is advisable to get a general view of the course and its requirements before approaching a company.
  • Structure of the content: the content of the course is divided into basics and usage. Please work through the basics first and then apply them to your example.
  • Exercises: The course includes more than 200 practical exercises with which you can train the usage of the method and test your level of knowledge and application.

Support during the course

If you have any questions about content, usage and exercises during the course, I am optionally available as a contact person according to your needs.

  • Personal coaching on content and usage: You make an appointment for a facetime meeting (costs €80 plus VAT per half hour or part thereof).
  • Simple questions about course content: You ask your questions by email (costs €35 plus VAT).
  • Feedback on exercises and usages: You send the exercise / usage as a pdf file by eMail, get an invoice, pay it and get your feedback by email. ()

Your contact

  • Wilfried Schock, owner and creator of the pbsm
  • eMail:
  • LinkedIn Profile

How to become registered and enrolled in this strategy course.

You register by e-mail.

You will then be enrolled and receive your access data at the e-mail address you used.

You will then be enrolled to your course and receive your access data at the e-mail address you have chosen.

The course will become fee-based on March 1, 2025: You will receive 60 days access to the course content from the day you register.

Benefit for my LinkedIn contacts

My LinkedIn contacts receive the course with a 10% discount.

If you are not sure whether you are networked with me, use this link and visit my profile on LinkedIn. There you will see the degree of networking behind my name. With a 1 we are direct contacts.

Please mention this in your email for registration and enrollment in the course.