Social media impact

This entry deals with the social media impact in the sense of the classification of the mode of action.

Definition of social media impact

The term social media impact summarizes the types of influence through social media on the attitudes and behavior of social media users. It is therefore a generic term for the types of influence through social media. The social media impact can arise from different impact formats – through an individual impact or through the interaction of different formats and content.

The social media impact formats

The individual social media impact formats can be found in the respective wiki entries.

  • Network effect: here the effect arises from the fact that many social media users participate in a service, are part of a community or provide content and in particular experiences, and as a result the community or knowledge and content become more valuable or comprehensive due to the number of users than comparable alternatives.
  • Information: the effect arises from content that is distributed in a sender-receiver relationship in social media, or from reactions to this content. By this we mean the effect that knowledge and insight triggers in the recipient. This can be the information that influences the behavior of users in general or in the assessment, evaluation or use of services. Or the knowledge that arises from a reaction to content, when, for example, companies gain insights about their market in general or users in particular based on the reaction or use of content.
  • Social context: the effect of the social context is based on the influence that other users have on the attitudes and behavior of a social media user through direct feedback, their own experiences, attitudes and evaluations. The social context primarily includes the circle of networked social media users, but the effect is not limited to them exclusively. Every piece of content in social media, every experience, every recommendation that the social media user perceives about a matter forms the social context of that matter. Social context includes sender-receiver communication and dialogue.
  • Communication: the effect is based on the direct exchange between companies and users or between users.
  • User benefit: we influence the behavior of social media users through a benefit that we create in social media for the social media user. This benefit should be suitable for securing the acceptance and use of our social media offering and, if possible, also radiate beyond the user.
  • Motivation: we use motivations to influence the behavior of social media users – both through direct motivation of the company and through motivation via the social context.
  • Participation: the effect of participation is based on the commitment expressed by a user and the effect of this participation on the user. Participation is an active expression and a visible confirmation of commitment to a cause. It therefore also contributes to the social context of this cause and is a particularly intensive and convincing recommendation for this cause (recommendation effect).

Importance of social media impact

The social media impact summarizes the different types of impact of social media (for companies) and thus describes a core of the use of social media and, above all, how influence can be exerted via social media. Social media impact occurs in every communication and information in social media and in every social media usage format.

Social media impact in pbsm

The use of social media impact in the potential-based strategy model for social media is covered in the topic of social media impact in the chapter on social media performance potential. The social media impact can be found in all areas of the potential-based strategy model for social media, from social media performance potential to the social media strategy components.

The social media impact in the processes of the potential-based strategy model:

  • Strategy definition: competition and strategy definition
  • Strategy definition: options for action


social media impact

Training offer

The strategy training of social media managers is not sufficient in terms of scope and quality. To change this, I developed the potential-based strategy model pbsm, which enables even beginners to develop high-performance and, above all, competitive social media strategies. This method is taught in a free social media strategy course.

The free social media strategy course

Course content

Social media strategy requires not only competence in social media but also in strategy. And you can’t just acquire both in a relaxed afternoon. You lay the foundations for this competence with a compact course that is reduced to the essentials and that you complete online on your own. (If necessary, you can rely on support.)

  • The course includes more than 70 learning units. The pure reading time for the learning units is – depending on your reading speed – 20 to 25 hours. You should hardly allow more than 2 hours of reading time per day.
  • The course includes more than 200 practical exercises. The time required for this is much longer than the time spent reading the course content.

The course is therefore more of a course lasting several weeks – which you complete more or less independently – than a typical online course for the afternoon.


You can take the strategy course for free – without proof of qualification and support – or for a fee with the pbsm.strategist qualification. You can find out more about the pbsm.strategist qualification here.


There are various ways to support your learning success in the course. You can find out more here.

To the free pbsm strategy course

Social Media Strategy Letter There is a lot of incorrect information out there about social media strategy. Time to get it right. The Social Media Strategy Letter provides information on the development of real social media strategies. It is not about news. It is about developing and using genuine social media strategies. Get informed about new and available content.  [newsletter]